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Title: Applaus Votivus, Felicissimo Coniugum Pari Videlicet, ... Dn. Eberhardi III. Ducis Würtembergici ac Teccii ... Patriae Patris Clementissimi, Filio Haeredi ... Dn. Wilhelmo Ludovico, Duci Würtembergico, ac Teccio ... eiusq[ue] Coniugi Exoptatissimae ... Dn. Ludovici, VI. Hassiae Landgrafii ... Filiae, sui sexus Ornamento Splendissimo ... Dn. Magdalenae Sybillae Hassiae Landgrafiae ... Sub ductu & Comitatu Sanctissimi Numinis, Solennissima Pompa (Nuptiis Darmstadii 6. Nov. 1673 ...) die 12. Feb. Anno 1674. Domum Ductae, Ex humilimo obsequio & decenti devotione Subjectissime Consecratus a Verbi Di. Ministerio Stuttgardiano
Associated Name: Eberhard <III., Württemberg, Herzog>Look up in the Integrated Authority File of the German National Library
Wilhelm Ludwig <Württemberg, Herzog>Look up in the Integrated Authority File of the German National Library
Ludwig <VI., Hessen-Darmstadt, Landgraf>Look up in the Integrated Authority File of the German National Library
Magdalena Sibylla <Württemberg, Herzogin, 1652-1712>Look up in the Integrated Authority File of the German National Library
Publisher / Printer: Rößlin, Johann WeyrichLook up in the Integrated Authority File of the German National Library
Published: Stuttgardiae : Rösslinus, 1674
Extent: [4] Bl ; 2°
Annotations: Schlüsselseiten aus dem Exemplar der ULB Halle: 78 M 352 (45)
Language: Latin
Genre: Gelegenheitsschrift:Hochzeit
Subjects: Stuttgart
Online Edition: Halle (Saale) : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 2012
Original Publication: Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 78 M 352 (45)
URN: urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-440118
VD Number: vd17 3:678265R
Open Access: Open access publication
License: Public Domain Mark 1.0Public Domain Mark 1.0
Appears in Collections:Drucke des 17. Jahrhunderts (VD17)

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